ECIU University for KTU employees

ECIU University brings together 13 strong partners in Europe, collectively employing over 40 000 teachers, researchers and administrative employees. All of them have opportunities to be actively involved in the activities and development of the ECIU University.



  • join one of Europe’s strongest university alliances;
  • gain and share professional experience with colleagues from 13 universities in Europe;
  • implement research projects with ECIU University partners;
  • work on the latest educational innovations;
  • address challenges submitted by organisations based in 13 European countries;
  • make new and strengthen existing international collaborations;
  • offer your modules to a wider audience;
  • work with motivated international student teams;
  • directly collaborate with experts from other universities and companies;
  • develop your didactic competence by learning from the experiences of 13 different universities.
  • propose and develop challenges and micro-modules;
  • guide your students to learning opportunities of other network members;
  • participate as a mentor (teamcher) for challenge teams;
  • benefit from academic mobility;
  • receive financial incentives for educational innovation;
  • initiate and participate in short blended intensive learning programmes.

Contact us by email at to join ECIU University activities.


Administrative employees

  • gain and share professional experience with colleagues from 13 European universities;
  • learn from the best examples in business and industry;
  • work with the latest innovations in the education;
  • join one of Europe’s strongest university alliances.
  • participate in challenges and micro-modules;
  • join the communities of practice;
  • benefit from short-term mobility;
  • collaborate with other ECIU members aiming to shape European higher education policy;
  • reduce financial risks by initiating new projects and attracting additional sources of income;
  • draw inspiration from various operational practices used in ECIU members.

Contact us by email at to join ECIU University activities.


Inspiring experiences