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Radeta Savickienė

Business recomendations | 2022-02-22

Participation in the ECIU initiative is mutual sharing. The students can provide the city with their insight and proposals and we receive innovative ideas and solutions that may contribute to the development of the city. More »

Kaunas has always been, is and will be an academic city; therefore, we aim for close cooperation among the universities and colleges of Kaunas, offering the youth a wide range of educational fields and creating all the opportunities for the establishment of a strong position in the labour market.

Participation in the ECIU initiative is mutual sharing. The students can provide the city with their insight and proposals and we receive innovative ideas and solutions that may contribute to the development of the city.

This partnership brings real benefits to students. They learn about real-life problems and search for the best solutions, develop their critical thinking as well as have the chance to see the behind-the-scenes work of institutions and businesses. While developing ideas or projects, the students can find their career paths or the niches that have a potential for development.