Charli Richaud

What our students say? | 2021-05-20

I like the challenge-based learning method because it makes us think about problems rather than solutions which is the opposite of our usual approach. More »

I like the challenge-based learning method because it makes us think about problems rather than solutions which is the opposite of our usual approach, we look at what needs to be solved before we start solving it and I think that is important because understanding the problem not only helps us to solve the problem, but also to find a better solution to reduce the future problems.

For all the students who want to try this experience, I suggest finding a multidisciplinary team, people you don’t know who could give you a different perspective and add value to your project.

Through this challenge I have made friends and gained a better understanding of problem-solving, I hope you will benefit from it too.

Šio iššūkio metu aš radau draugų ir geriau supratau problemų sprendimą, tikiuosi, kad ir jums tai bus naudinga.