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Decided to join KTU? Don’t miss your chance to participate in ECIU activities

University | 2022-07-05

Admissions to the Kaunas University of Technology are open until July 31. Have you submitted your application yet? Are you interested in the possibilities that KTU is offering? Here’s one – KTU is a part of ECIU University. ECIU University unites 13 strong European universities, and at the core of its activities is challenge-based learning.

Don’t miss the opportunity to accelerate change with ECIU University. You will solve real-life challenges in international teams of students, teachers and researchers together with cities and businesses. A brand-new university model allows learners to gain practical problem-solving and teamwork skills.

“The very decision to enrol in the master’s studies was an adventure and from the very beginning, I knew I would use this period to the fullest. Therefore, as soon as I heard about the ECIU challenge I decided to take part in it,” says Rūta Pelikšienė, a master’s student of the KTU Social Welfare and Policy chose the Kaunas Transition to Circular Economy challenge. This challenge was proposed by Kaunas City Municipality in spring 2021.

According to Rūta, participating in the challenge made her step out of her comfort zone from the very beginning – she chose to solve a challenge related to the circular economy, without ever hearing about the concept before!

“I have not regretted it for a second – this experience has given me technical knowledge as well as the chance to develop various skills. I got better at time planning and, most importantly, have proven to myself that insurmountable challenges don’t exist,” says Rūta.

Got interested? Find out more about ECIU University here.