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Mahammad Ismayilov

What our students say? | 2024-02-22

The freedom to choose challenges that align with my interests has made my learning experience not only exciting but also highly relevant to my personal and professional aspirations. More »

As a student in the Informatics faculty at Kaunas University of Technology, I’m currently engaged in two ECIU University challenges: “Effective Disposal of Small Electronic Waste” at KTU and “CaaS: Build the City You Need” at the University of Trento, where I spent an intensive five days exploring the Trento city’s challenges in-depth alongside other international students.

ECIU University has revolutionized my learning experience by uniquely blending practical education. The challenge-based approach adopted here has enabled me to apply my academic knowledge to solve real-world problems with challenge providers, thereby deepening my understanding of various subjects. Working alongside students from different universities and backgrounds has greatly broadened my perspective, enhancing my skills in teamwork and communication.

What sets ECIU University apart from traditional studies is its flexible approach. This has empowered me to take an active role in my education, making it a more personalized and engaging journey. The freedom to choose challenges that align with my interests has made my learning experience not only exciting but also highly relevant to my personal and professional aspirations.

Through ECIU University, I have gained invaluable insights into the practical applications of technology in society. This experience has prepared me academically to be an effective and innovative problem solver in the tech industry.

I strongly recommend exploring the dynamic world of ECIU University. It’s an opportunity that will surely increase your educational experience.